Comparison of the Structures of Tooth Germs Transplanted into the Subcutaneous Tissue or the Kidney Capsule of Mice
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Transplantation experiments are a common method in tooth developmental research. Many organs have been previously selected as hosts ; however, there is little information comparing developmental differences in the transplanted tooth among these host organs. In the present study, the authors examined the effect of transplantation into the subcutaneous tissue and the kidney capsule for 4 weeks using E13.5 mandibular first molar tooth germs from mice. The shape and size of the tooth crown of the tooth transplanted into the subcutaneous tissue are smaller than those of the tooth transplanted into the kidney capsule and a normal tooth in vivo. However, the number and arrangement of cusps of the transplanted tooth were similar to those of a normal tooth. Compared with those of the tooth transplanted into the kidney capsule, development and calcification of the transplanted tooth progressed slowly in the subcutaneous tissue. These differences may cause movement of the transplanted tooth ; the subcutaneous tissue is composed of loose connective tissue and the transplanted tooth moves easily in the subcutaneous tissue, although the tooth transplanted into the kidney capsule is maintained tightly between the kidney capsule and kidney cortex. However, cell differentiation and cell function were not affected by movement of the tooth germ ; enamel and dentin were formed in the transplanted tooth in both the subcutaneous tissue and the kidney capsule. These findings suggest that development of the transplanted tooth may be affected by the host organ.
- 日本大学松戸歯学部 口腔科学研究所の論文
Kozawa Yukishige
Department Of Anatomy Ii Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
Suzuki Kunihiro
Department Of Endocrinology & Metabolism Dokkyo University School Of Medicine
Higuchi Yuka
Department Of Biological Resources Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
Yamamoto Hitoshi
Department For The Administration Of Safety And Hygiene (dash) Osaka University
Kozawa Yukishige
Department of Histology, Cytology and Developmental Anatomy
Cai Jinglei
Department of Oral Biology, Division in Anatomy and Developmental Biology, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University
Jung Han-Sung
Department of Oral Biology, Division in Anatomy and Developmental Biology, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University
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