Identification and field activity of the sex pheromone component of the sweetpotato vine borer moth Omphisa anastomosalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
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A single distinct EAG-active compound was found in the extract of virgin females of the sweetpotato vine borer moth, Omphisa anastomosalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), and was identified as (10E,14E)-10,14-hexadecadienal (E10E14-16:Ald) at ca. 20 ng/female. Minor related compounds were also identified as hexadecanal (16:Ald), (10E)-10-hexadecenal (E10-16:Ald) and (14E)-14-hexadecenal (E14-16:Ald) at 3.1%, 3.0% and 0.7% amounts relative to the EAG-active component, respectively. In the field, more male moths were captured with traps baited with high amounts of E10E14-16:Ald, which confirmed that this compound is a sex pheromone component. The attractiveness was, however, significantly inferior to that of virgin females. The attractiveness did not increase when minor related compounds were added to the compound. Nevertheless, synthetic E10E14-16:Ald should be useful for monitoring field populations of O. anastomosalis.
Arakaki Norio
Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Research Center
大野 豪
Arakaki Norio
Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Res. Center
Arakaki Norio
Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station
OHNO Suguru
Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Research Center
Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Research Center
Laboratory of Insect Behavior, National Institute of Agro-Biological Sciences (NIAS)
Laboratory of Insect Behavior, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS)
Haraguchi Dai
Okinawa Prefectural Plant Protection Center
Wakamura S
National Inst. Of Agrobiological Sciences
Wakamura Sadao
Laboratory Of Applied Entomology Agronomy Division Shikoku Agricultural Experiment Station
Ohno Suguru
Okinawa Prefectural Plant Protection Center
Kohama Tsuguo
Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Res. Center Okinawa Jpn
Laboratory of Insect Behavior, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS)
Kohama Tsuguo
Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Research Center (OPARC)
Ohno Suguru
Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Research Center (OPARC)
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