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When users find information about people from the results of Web people searches, they often need to browse many obtained Web pages and check much unnecessary information. This task is time-consuming and complicates the understanding of the designated people. We investigate a method that integrates the useful information obtained from Web pages and displays them to understand people. We focus on curriculum vitae, which are widely used for understanding people. We propose a method that extracts event sentences from Web pages and displays them like a curriculum vita. The event sentence includes both time and events related to a person. Our method is based on the following: (1) extracting event sentences using heuristics and filtering them, (2) judging whether event sentences are related to a designated person by mainly using the patterns of HTML tags, (3) classifying these sentences to categories by SVM, and (4) clustering event sentences including both identical times and events. Experimental results revealed the usefulness of our proposed method.
- Web上の人物理解のための履歴書作成
- 蔵書検索のためのWeb情報源を用いた件名の提案(情報検索・情報解析)
- 5U-2 タグクラウドを用いたメールマガジンの視覚化(情報抽出,学生セッション,人工知能と認知科学)
- Web 上の同姓同名人物識別のための職業関連情報の抽出
- 2P-2 Webページからの人物に関する位置情報の抽出(Webマイニング,学生セッション,データベースとメディア)
- D-8-12 動的最適解探索向き部分個体群の動的形成手法を持つPSO(D-8. 人工知能と知識処理,一般セッション)
- 多重スライス画像によるムラの定量化
- 人間の視覚感覚に基づいたムラ検出手法
- 干渉光を用いた薄膜のムラ検出手法
- 人間の感覚に基づいたムラ検出手法