新潟市幼稚園児の食生活に関する研究(第2報) : 家族形態と母親の生活状態からみた5歳児の食生活の実態
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A dietary survey was conducted using a questionnaire method on 427 5-year-old_children from 7 kindergartens in Niigata City in mid-July 1977 in relation to the living condition of their families (nuclear family or family with three generations) and their mothers (employed or unemployed). The results were as follows: (1) Children of unemployed mothers in nuclear families showed a desirable tendency in the important items of dietary life, as they were in good health, had the habit of brushing their teeth, took cow's milk and green or yellow vegetables every day, and were given nutritionally balances meals. (2) Children of employed mothers in nuclear families showed a high frequency of smooth weaning experience and enjoying child-centered menu planning, in spite of their mother's heavy burden. But the incidence of their food preferences was highest and the frequency of their regu;ar breakfast intake lowest. (3) Children of unemployed mothers in families with three generations ranked lowest in the habit of brushing their teeth and taling cow's milk every day but highest in breast-feeding, freedom from tooth decay, and regular breakfast intake. Their mothers' nutritional attiitude toward them was generally desirable. (4) While children of employed mothers in families with three generations were relatively free from food preferences , their dietary conditions in other respects were not necessarily desirable.
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