中学生の平和意識・認識の変容に関する実証的研究 : 単元「国際平和を考える」の実践・評価・比較を通して
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The purpose of the study is to practice the unit "The Relationship between International Peace and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution" which has been developed by our groups in 1997 and to research on the effectiveness of the unit by assessing the view of peace and the motivation to contribute toward keeping peace of the junior high school students.There were two phases in this study. In the first phase, we practiced the unit at three junior high schools in Hiroshima prefecture. At that time, we also collected the data from the two tests. The first test was conducted in the beginning of the first lesson of the unit. The second test was conducted in the end of the final lesson of the unit. The contents of the tests were identical and consisted of the two parts; the students' view of peace was asked in the first part. The motivation of the students was asked in the second one.In the second phase, after having collected the data, we tried to find how different the data in the first test and the second one and how different the data from the lesson including the learning about historical events and the lesson not including it were by analyzing the data of the pupils.From the analysis, there were two findings below.・The unit contributed to improve the view and the motivation of the students.・The learning about the historical events which constituted of the unit contributed to improve the student's view and motivation more.
- 広島大学平和科学研究センターの論文
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