授業者による学習評価の論理 : 大津和子の実践「世界の貿易」の分析から
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What is the "good" practice? The long-pending issue remains unsolved even now. However, it was focused on the right or wrong about the sense of lesson instead of the "good" practice itself. This trend was especially remarkable with the social studies. So, we should clear up the question `how did the teacher assess students' learning in the "good" lesson?' This study explains one of the logic of learning assessments in social studies lessons. First, I analyze the famous practice of "the World Trade" and describe the teaching methods of Kazuko Otsu, a renowned practitioner of social studies in Japan. Second, I present the teaching materials that I developed for verifying the applicability of the analyzed teaching method and introduced to the social studies lesson. Finally, I explain methods to use teaching materials as well as to create them. The results are the following : (1)Set the lesson scene describing and appreciating students' experiences. (2)Set the lesson scene evaluating students' acquired knowledge. (3)Determine the learning assessment appropriate to the lesson scene.
- 2013-03-15
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