- 論文の詳細を見る
Invasive alien fishes such as Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis macrochirus were eliminated from a pond in Fukuoka Prefecture. We selected the Shirouzu Pond from among 12 ponds by screening on the basis of the distribution and population of invasive alien fishes, rate of revetment with concrete, feasibility of pond drying methods, and presence of threatened fish and insect species. In the Shirouzu Pond, Micropterus salmoides(70kg) and Lepomis macrochirus(120kg) were collected and eliminated in 1 day. In the case of other ponds, we estimated that the elimination of invasive fishes was required in the Chinzei Pond, which had several threatened insect and fish species. We conducted ecological research on the invasive fishes present in the pond because it was not possible to conduct pond drying methods in this pond. The finding of this research suggested that capturing the larvae and juveniles of the invasive fishes in the growth area or destroying the spawning sites were the best methods for eliminating these species from the pond.福岡県内の12の止水域において、魚類相、水生昆虫類相データ、環境情報データを判断材料とした事前スクリーニングに基づいて、外来魚であるオオクチバスとブルーギルの池干しによる駆除を実践した。外来魚の生息状況と水際の環境構造から、外来魚駆除の効果を期待できる3つの溜池が選定された。それらのうち、池干し駆除に最も適した白水池で池干し駆除を実践し、オオクチバス70kg、ブルーギル120kgの駆除に成功した。駆除対象から外れた溜池のうち、鎮西湖については池干しは難しいものの、希少種の生息状況から将来的に駆除の必要性があると判断された。この池では外来魚類の生態調査を行い、その結果に基づいて仔稚魚の成育場での捕獲か、産卵場の破壊が効果的駆除手法であると推定した。
- 2010-10-29
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