徳島県産国会議事堂大理石の研究 -その3.衆参両院における石材使用の比較-
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Marbles from Tokushima Prefecture that decorate the National Diet Building of Japan (Nagata-cho, Tokyo) were compared directly for the first time about the use of the seven brands in the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors. The seven brands, “Akebono”, “Kito-ishi”, “Hototogisu”, “Kamo-sarasa”, “Awayuki”,“Kotajima” and “Shin-awayuki” were verified that they were used symmetrically in both the House ofRepresentatives and the House of Councilors including the central part of the building. The “Akebono”, Silurian limestone of the Kurosegawa Tectonic Zone from Koyamadaira (Sakashu, Naka-cho), is used on the wall of theDiet members’ Second Stairway. The “Kito-ishi”, limestone breccia intercalated in Late Carboniferous chert facies from Misago-Yama (Sakashu, Naka-cho), is used for the fireplaces in the reception rooms of the Vice-presidents. The “Hototogisu”, Late Triassic dolimitic limestone in the earliest Cretaceous accretion mélange from Arida (Asebi-cho, Anan City) of the South Chichibu Belt (Tsunomine Subbelt), is used for the well-ornamented entrance frame of the Emperor’s room “Gokyujo”. The “Kamo-sarasa”, latest Triassic intramicrite from Oji (Kuwano-cho, Anan) of the Tsunomine Subbelt, is used on the wall inside the central entrance of the building, and door frames of rooms in both houses. The “Awayuki”, Late Triassic gray limestone with Megalodon and dark blocks of hexa-corals from Kurogo (Kamo-cho, Anan City) in Tsunomine Subbelt, is used for the base of the wall along the square in front of the Emperor’s room, and the base of pillars around thecentral hall, as well as the lower part of the wall around the assembly hall of both houses. The “Kotajima”, black cleavaged Norian limestone from Higashibun (Tsunomine-cho, Anan City) in the Early Cretaceous olistostrome of the Tsunomine Subbelt, is used on the lower part of the wall along the passage of the third floor in both houses, and walls of the “Kisha Kaidan” stairways to both galleries. The “Shin-awayuki”, Late Carboniferous limestone from the Izeki (Takarada-cho, Anan City) in Jurassic accretionary mélange of the South Chichibu Belt (Hosono Subbelt), is used for the mosaic on the floor of the Central Hall.
石田 啓祐
石田 啓祐
中尾 賢一
香西 武
石田 啓祐
香西 武
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