- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently,environment and food issues are important,we must consider them. Menu planning is important in food service management: in particular,the food materials used for the main course and the manner by which food is presented are significantly related to the menu composition and overall nutrition. It is necessary that the menu in practical training agrees with nutritional value and flavor of the subject. The necessary nutrient is satisfied the subject by taking the cooking of the menu at the whole quantity. The cooking of the menu was classified by mode,type,cooking method. Cooking rate of leftover was calculated from completion weight and dishing quantity,leaving over food quantity. In the staple food,the proportion of leaving over food was high for rice,and the Japanese style was compared westerly,and the proportion was high. The improvement is possible by devising mode and cooking method,for the menu.
- 2009-03-31
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