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Pseudomonas syringae pv. eriobotryaeはビワがんしゅ病の病原細菌であり,本菌の一つの系統はビワ葉にハロー病斑を作る.電子顕微鏡によりハロー病斑の形成過程を調べた結果,主として葉緑体の微細構造に変化を生じていた.接種5日後,目に見える病徴は認められなかったが,既に,ある細胞の葉緑体では崩壊が起こり始めていた.接種後8日から13日目にかけて,黄緑色のハロー病斑が現れ,さらに拡大し,黄化の程度が激しくなった.この時期の葉組織では細胞間隙に多数の細菌が観察され,種々の程度の葉緑体の崩壊が観察された.接種18日後にはハロー病斑は黄色になっており,最も崩壊の進んだ葉緑体が観察されるようになっていた.Pseudomonas syringae pv. eriobotryae is a pathogenic bacterium causing stem canker of loquat. A group of these canker bacteria incites halo lesion on the loquat leaves. Formative process of halo lesion was studied by electron microscopy. The cells showed ultrastructural changes principally in the chloroplast. Five days after inoculation, degenerative change occured in some chloroplasts, whereas visible symptoms on the leaves were not observed. Eight to thirteen days after inoculation, yellowish green haloes appeared on the leaves, and enlarged as the disease advanced. In the leaf tissue at this stage, bacterial cells were observed in the intercellular spaces, and various degrees of degeneration were observed in chloroplast. Eighteen days after inoculation, the most advanced chloroplast degeneration was observed. Halo lesion at this stage had turned yellow.
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