Relationship between the riverine nitrate-nitrogen concentration and the land use in the Teshio River watershed, North Japan
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The present research investigated the relationship between nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) in river water and the land use/land cover (hereafter, land use) in the Teshio River watershed located in northern Hokkaido island to understand the effect of human activities such as agriculture, forestry, industry, and urbanization in the drainage basin on the river ecosystem quality and services. River water was sampled at nine points seasonally during a two-year period and the nutrients concentration was measured. Land use profiles were estimated at two spatial scales-riparian and sub-catchment for each sampling station. The spatial pattern of water quality in the Teshio River showed increased NO3-N levels associated with agriculture and urban expansion, and forest reduction in the watershed. Land use at the riparian scale closely reflected that at the sub-catchment scale, which masked the unique riparian buffer effect on the river water condition. The high agricultural and reduced forest area in the riparian zone, especially in the upper middle reach, could be a possible reason for a decline of ecosystem service for the provisioning of clean water and habitat for aquatic organisms. Measures towards sustainable and more nature-friendly agricultural management are necessary in the area to protect the Teshio River ecosystem and its ecosystem services.
- Springer Japanの論文
柴田 英昭
Sasa Kaichiro
Sapporo Experimantal Forest Field Science Center For North Bioshere Hokkaido University
柴田 英昭
柴田 英昭
Shibata Hideaki
Hokkaido Univ. Nayoro Jpn
Sasa Kaichiro
Southern Forestry Research And Development Office Forest Research Station Field Science Center For N
柴田 英昭
Satoh Fuyuki
Southern Forestry Research And Development Office Forest Research Station Field Science Center For N
Shibata H
Hokkaido Univ. Nayoro Jpn
Shibata Hideaki
Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
柴田 英昭
柴田 英昭
Shibata Hideaki
Northern Forestry And Development Office Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido Univer
Shimizu Hideyuki
Asian Environment Research Group National Institute For Environmental Studies
Shibata Hideaki
Northern Forestry And Development Office Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido Univer
Shibata Hideaki
Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University
柴田 英昭
Northern Forestry And Development Office Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University
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- Q & Aコーナー
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