干渉SAR処理を用いた南極接地線(grounding line)の精密決定
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Recent studies point out the relationship between global environmental change and retreat of Antarctic ice sheet. Grounding line is a marginal zone where grounded continental ice sheet flow out to the ocean and just start to afloat and is one of the important parameters for the estimation of ice mass flux at Antarctica. However the precise position and detailed feature of grounding line haven't decided because its positions difficult to find from surface of ice sheet. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a microwave imaging sensor and SAR sensor illuminate microwave to the ground, then observe its backscattered microwave from ground, interferometric SAR (InSAR) is an application technique of SAR data to measure the line-of-sight distance change using a pair of SAR data and most suitable technique for the detection of grounding line because InSAR can detect the tidal motion of ice shelf. Extracted grounding lines are geometrically corrected and projected onto Polar Stereographic Coordinate and compared with conventional dataset which name is ADD. Planimetric difference of grounding line between ADD and InSAR extracted one attains to 5000m at Riisar Larsen Peninsula, East Antarctica and 9500m at Burke Island, West Antarctica. In this study we confirmed the effectiveness of InSAR technique and revealed the incompleteness and inaccuracy of ADD data. Then, we plan to develop grounding line database at whole Antarctica. The icesheet-iceshelf boundary mainly laid at three regions on Antarctica, where East Antarctica(25°W-400°E), West Antarctica (85°W-165°W) and Antarctic Peninsula (50°W-60°W). We also introduce the development plan of this database.99
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