放課後児童クラブと小学校との連携に関する研究 : 放課後児童クラブへの質問紙調査から
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The aim of this study is to clarify it about the actual situation of the after-school care program. Particularly, this study refers to the cooperation between after-school care program and elementary school. The questionnaire was adopted as a method for this research. It consists of thirteen questions. Consequently, 137 responses were collected from the personnel of after-school care program. The following are main result. 1) 604000f the personnel were suffering from the guidance of the child. 2) 20 27777725560f the personnel find it difficult to the cooperation between after-school care program and elementary school 3) The personnel does not have a suitable tool for cooperation with the elementary school.
- 2008-12-26
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