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本研究の目的は,経験を積んだ看護師の看護実践能力の発展における看護理論活用の有用性を検討することである.認定看護師教育課程(透析看護分野)受講生に対し,看護理論を組み込んだ教育プログラムを展開し,その前後の看護過程展開における認識の変化を比較分析した.その結果,指導の前後で受講生の認識は,【内部環境の平衡状態が厳密に描かれ,透析患者の健康状態についての判断規準が詳しくなる】【生命力の消耗を最小にするために透析療法で整えつつ生活を整えるということを体験し,看護の経験が積み重なる土台となる】【人間観が拡大し,全人的に事実を反映する認識へと発展する】【医療者本位の看護実践であることを自覚し,対象に三重の関心を注ぎ,立場の変換の重要性に気づく】【自らの実践の偏りを自覚し,修正を意識化する】のように変化しており,看護実践能力は,経験によって培われた知識と感性が一体となってより全人的な看護をなし得るものへと発展していた.以上より,看護理論の活用は,経験を積んだ看護師が看護過程展開における自己の認識の偏向に気づき,それを自ら修正する方向で看護実践能力を発展させていく上で有用であることが示唆された.The purpose of this study was to examine the state of application of nursing theory in development of experienced nurses'ability for nursing practice. Theory based education was performed on experienced nurses who were in training course of certified nurse in hemodialysis nursing. Their recognitions about nursing practice before and after the education were compared and developmental process of the ability of nursing practice was clarified.The differences of the recognitions about nursing practice between before and after theory based education were as follows. 1. The criteria to assess the condition of the hemodialysis patient were changed precisely based on the homeodynamics of the inner environment. 2. The framework to accumulate further experiences of nursing was made by the experiences to adjust the patients'lives at least expense of their vital power. 3. Data collection of the patients was changed based on the holistic view of human being. 4. Awareness of the one sided view of the patients leaded to recognize the importance of throwing themselves into the patients'feelings. 5. Awareness of the importance of throwing themselves into the patients'feelings leaded the further intention to correct their purpose of nursing toward holistic care for the patients.After theory based education, experienced nurses noticed their one sided view about their patients by themselves and decided to correct it toward holistic care for the patients. It was suggested that theory based education was effective to develop the ability of nursing practice for experienced nurses.
- 2008-03-00
- SCS車載局を利用した遠隔双方向授業の実施報告
- 看護職者としての専門的思考の形成を促進する教育方法の検討 : 実習体験の振り返りにおける学生-教師間のコミュニケーション過程の分析より
- 看護職者としての専門的思考の形成を促進する教育方法に関する研究
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- SCS車載局を利用した遠隔双方向授業の実施報告
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