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This paper presents a navigation method which enables a mobile robot to perform autonomous locomotion. And the feasibility of this method was demonstrated using experimental hardware, a prototype robot with ultrasonic sensors. This method uses simple shaped objects, such as poles and flat surfaces of walls selected from the environment, as landmarks and a map indicating the relations of these landmarks. The robot moves from a given point to another along a designed path using its own sensors. At each point it measures the position of natural objects selected as landmarks and corrects its path. The basic problems encountered in realizing this method are discussed. They are path design which connects two points in the environment, control of a mobile robot to move along its path, measurement of objects'positions using an ultrasonic sensor and correction of error from its designed path. A basic technique necessary to navigate a mobile robot is the ability to control it so that it follows a designed path accurately. Because of the lack of absolute position information, a mobile robot needs to get accurate position data from its surroundings. This method uses natural objects to gain such information. And it has the merits that it can reduce the equipment investment to the environment to supply position data and that it can simplify the object detection problem by giving information about objects.
- 日本ロボット学会,機械技術研究所の論文
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