映像視聴能力の国際比較研究(II) : 日本の子どもとスリランカ・シンガポールの子どもの比較から
- 論文の詳細を見る
Using the English version of the programs and instruments to evaluate the audio-visual literacies that developed in 1981, we tried to compare the children in Srilanka and Singapore. The following programs were used, i) 'Blinkity Blank', animation film. Made in Canada, ii) 'Nesting of the Cranes', animation film. Drama. Made in Japan, iii) 'Eskimo's Winter Sea Ice Camp'. Documentary film. Made in America, one of the series of 'Man A Course of Study'. Using these three programs, we evaluated 'Image', 'Making-story', 'Attitude toward the different cultures' and 'Understanding the program contents'. The followings are the main results. (1) The actual condition of TV-watching : In regard to the TV-watching time at home, there was no difference between the Japanese children and the Srilankan ones. About the kind of programs, most of the Japanese children watch the entertainment programs, but most of the Srilankan ones watch reporting and the educative programs. And, about the motive for watching TV, children in Japan do it because the TV programs are interesting ; but those in Srilanka do it because the TV programs teach them lots of the unknown things. (2) Image (In this study, imaginative power of real objects from the films): There was no difference both qualitatively and quantitatively between the Japanese children and the Srilankan ones. (3) Making story (In this study, ability to make a follow-up story when the film is stopped midway) : The Japanese children can make story best. Looking at the inclination of made-up stories, the heroes in the stories made by the Singaporean children take positive and independent attitude toward the difficulties ; but the heroes by Srilankan take negative and dependent attitude. We cannot understand why this difference happened, but this result is interesting. (4) Understanding the program contents (In this study, understanding of the Eskimo's housing and tools in the program) : There is a significant difference about the understanding of the 'Eskimo's housing' between Japan and Srilanka, but there is no difference about the 'Eskimo's tools'. (5) Attitude toward the different culture (In this study, attitude toward the Eskimo's eating habits and plays) : There is no difference in attitude toward the Eskimo's plays between Japan, Srilanka and Singapore. But there is a significant difference about the Eskimo's eating habits. The Singaporean children and the Japanese ones clearly took a rejecting attitude toward it, the Srilankan ones took an acceptable attitude. In brief, there is no cultural difference about image and understanding of TV-programs, but the cultural differences appeared clearly in regard to making-story and attitude toward the different cultures that contained the affective aspects and values.
- 日本教育メディア学会の論文
- 1984-06-01
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- 3. 第2セッション報告「大学の放送教育とマス・メディア」(IV.第7回放送利用の大学公開講座シンポジウムの実施報告,平成元年度放送利用の大学公開講座に関する実施報告書)
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