9 光触媒・超音波照射法によるOHラジカルの生成とその応用
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Heterogeneous photocatalysis over TiO_2 or ultrasonic irradiation have been reported to be a promising application for decomposition of the hazardous chemical substances. We observed the generation of ・OH in the aqueous solution during the irradiation of ultrasound on TiO_2. The purpose of this study was to verify the generation of ・OH by indicating (1) decomposition of methylene blue, (2) nucleophilic addition of ・OH to salicylic acid, which produce dihydroxybenzoic acid. The decomposition of bisphenol A (BPA) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) by the irradiation of ultrasound in presence of TiO_2 were further studied. The results are summarized as follows. Decomposition of methylene blue Experimentally it was observed that although the Al_2O_3 had no effect on the decomposition of methylene blue by ultrasonic irradiation, it was decomposed slightly by the presence of TiO_2. In addition H_2O_2 accelerated the decomposition of methylene blue for the TiO_2 containing system. But the addition of H_2O_2 had no effect on the methylene blue decomposition when the system containing Al_2O_3 only. The effect of radical scavengers on the decomposition of methylene blue was also investigated for the system with TiO_2. It was found that the scavengers such as methanol, DMSO, mannitol reduced the decomposition. Among them DMSO was the most significant. Effect of TiO_2 on the nucleophilic addition of ・OH to salicylic acid Ultrasonification of 10 μM salicylic acid (2 ml) was carried out in absence and presence of 0.4 g TiO_2 for exactly 10 minutes, and produced dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) was measured by HPLC/ECD. In presence of TiO_2, significant amount of DHBA (34 pg/20μl) was produced, but almost no DHBA (2.2 pg/20μl) was found to produce without TiO_2. The effect of scavengers on the generation of DHBA was the same as it was observed in the case of methylene blue decomposition. This result inferred that the ultrasonic irradiation generated the ・OH, which is responsible for the hydroxylation of salicylic acid. Decomposition of BPA and PCP Ultrasonification of BPA and PCP, a representative endocrine disruptors, were carried out in the presence of TiO_2 (0.4 g) and the change in the concentration of BPA and PCP were measured by HPLC/ECD. The initial concentration of BPA (1 ppm) was gradually decreased with the irradiation time and was totally decomposed by 15 minute irradiation of ultrasound. The similar results were observed for PCP. It was concluded that the irradiation of ultrasound on TiO_2 in aqueous solution significantly generate hydroxyl radicals which is responsible for the decomposition of the endocrine disruptors such as BPA and PCP.
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