2. 光増感剤分子を含む界面活性剤水溶液中への超音波照射による光増感剤分子の単量化現象
- 論文の詳細を見る
The absorption and fluorescence properties of pheophorbide-a (Phd-a) or its derivatives (sodium salt of Phd-a: NaPhd-a) were investigated in micellar aqueous solutions before and after ultrasound irradiation (50kHz, 10min). The absorption spectra changed depending on the surfactant (cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide=CTAB or sodium dodecyl sulfate=SDS) concentrations. The molecular formation in various micellar solutions was estimated from the analysis of absorption spectra. The absorption bands resulted from an aggregate form of the chromophore present in 50mM phosphate buffer and pre-micellar (lower concentration than the c.m.c.=critical micellar concentration; 1OmM CTAB or 2mM SDS) solutions. The specific bands of the aggregate disappeared with a simultaneous increase of the bands of monomer in normal micellar (higher concentration than the c.m.c.; 2mM CTAB or 1OmM SDS) solution. The fluorescence spectra, the lifetime and the fraction of each lifetime components of the chromophore in the micellar solutions significantly changed before and after the ultrasound irradiation although the changes in absorption spectra was small. The fluorescence emission band at 710nm due to the aggregate disappeared almost in the pre-micellar solution after the irradiation. The fraction of the short-lifetime (1.4ns of NaPhd-a and 1.8ns of Phd-a in H2O; 1.3ns of NaPhd-a in 2mM CTAB) component estimated for the aggregates decreased 55% in H2O or 85% in 2mM CTAB increasing with that of the long-lifetime (4.9ns of NaPhd-a and 4.7ns of Phd-a in H2O; 4.3ns of NaPhd-a in 2mM CTAB) component after the ultrasound treatment. From these fluorescence properties, it was considered that the aggregate molecules actually were monomerized in stable by the ultrasound irradiation.
- 日本ソノケミストリー学会の論文
- 1997-10-01
三好 憲雄
MISIK Vladimir
Riesz Peter
竹下 照夫
Misik Vladimir
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