- 論文の詳細を見る
This article addresses the issue of risk management against a virtually impossible but catastrophic event, such as the tsunami due to the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Such events are often ignored intentionally/unintentionally because of its small value of the probability of occurrence. In order for organizations to prepare against such a less possible event, lessons learned not from unsuccessful cases but from successful cases are useful because the failure of the risk management may be caused by no preparation. At the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, there were several cases in which the organization's risk management was successful based on prior, often continual, preparation against the risk. This article focuses on the case of Onagawa nuclear power plant, which was the nearest from the epicenter. The ground level was set at 14.8 m when the 1^<st> reactor was planned to build in 1970. The height was determined to be tsunami-proof by the Tohoku Electric Power Company. This article discusses why such decision could be done, and shows several implications obtained from the investigation.
- 2013-10-15
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