英語多変種との接触が学習者の英語観に与える影響 : Outer Circle英語に焦点を当てて
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To raise the positive awareness of and attitudes towards the varieties of English in the world, it is indispensable to listen to those varieties and preferably interact with the speakers of those varieties of English. It is said that the best and easiest way to do this is to study in those countries where a certain variety of English is spoken. The purposes of this study are to find out 1) whether studying in three different circles of English (inner, outer and expanding) influences the learner's perception of Englishes, 2) if there are any differences among them, and 3) if there are any particular factors contributing to the results. To find the answers to the above research questions, as a pilot study, a set of questionnaires was given to 59 teachers and public servants staying in Singapore from expanding countries, and then another set of questionnaire was given to 269 students at five universities in the Nagoya and Kyoto areas. Among them are 107 students who studied in inner circles (US and Australia) for almost four months, 31 students who studied in an outer circle country (Singapore) for three weeks and 131 who stayed in Japan. The results show that the study abroad participants are more positive towards "foreign accents" as well as their own variety of English. However, the participants who went to the Outer Circle country (Singapore) did not outperform those who went to inner circle countries in some questionnaire items, which was rather unexpected. Some explanations for these results and pedagogical suggestion are discussed.
- 2012-12-20
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- 巻頭言
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- 英語多変種との接触が学習者の英語観に与える影響 : Outer Circle英語に焦点を当てて
- 多文化社会におけるコミュニケーション力を高める大学英語教育