米国における教員センター運動に関する研究動向 : 博士学位論文の分析を中心に(III 研究ノート)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Since the mid-1960's, the teacher center concept has developed and grown as an alternative to traditional in-service education of teachers in the United States, and many articles, books, and reports have been written on the teacher center. The aim of this paper is to clarify the research trends on the teacher center movement in the United States by analyzing 55 doctoral dissertations on this subject. From the review of the articles, I showed the major research themes, foci of the researches, and major findings. A review of the dissertations concerning the teacher center indicates there are three major research themes on the teacher center: 1) the history and case study of the teacher center, 2) the programms of the teacher center, 3) the governance of the teacher center. As to the history and case study of the teacher center, the foci of the researches are : the roots of the teacher center movement, British teacher center and its application in the United States, Federal Teacher Center Law (PL 94-482), rationale for the teacher center, and case study. As to the programms of the teacher center, the foci of the researches are: characteristics of the programms of teacher center, the role of teachers in the teacher center programms, teachers' perceptions of the programms of teacher center, needs assessment as a basis for programming of teacher center, the impact of teacher center program upon teachers, and the plan for the development of teacher center. As to the governance of the teacher center, the foci of the researches are: the policy board of teacher center, teacher center leader, the role of the advisor, and collaboration between university and school district. From the review of these articles, I pointed out there's no research on the nationwide teacher center movement in 1980's, especially relating to the educational reform movement in 1980's.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1992-10-05
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