分権改革下におけるコミュニティ・スクールの特徴の変容(変貌する地方分権改革と教育行政,I 年報フォーラム)
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Since the late 1990s the influence of neo-liberalism has spread through the economy and each administrative domain, and for these past several years the transfer of national authority to local public entities has been proposed in the name of "local sovereignty". Thus, the number of the community schools has grown to some extent, but how should we evaluate this trend? Is the community school a effective device to increase the participation of parents and residents? We should consider it carefully. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the process of establishing the community school policy and the resulting change in the characteristics of community schools. A "community school" policy was proposed for the first time on July, 2000 at the fifth meeting of the second subcommittee (school education) of the National Commission on Educational Reform (private meeting with the prime minister). The opinions of subcommittee members were divided on this proposal, but eventually a plan was included among the Commission's 17 final recommendations. This plan can be summarized in the following three points : Firstly, any person with the same vision and sense of values can create a school, with the approval of the Board of Education. Secondly, the community school has the right to recruit its own principal and teaching staff. Thirdly, School Management Committee will evaluate the school's performance regularly. Considering these points, the community school being envisioned were clearly on the "charter" model. For the implementation of the new community school policy, however, it was necessary to pass the scrutiny of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Central Council of Education. Generally, the bureaucrats have a tendency to think about reform based on an existing frame. As a result, no new law was established. Instead, the new community school policy was described in the "Law on the Organization and Operation of Local Educational Administrations". The intent of the resulting article is accountability (i. e. the "accountability" model). In other words, parents and residents are considered to be consumers of the education service, and the law demands that the school should be accountable in response to the needs of the consumers. Hence, under this new policy a community school can be appointed by a prefectural Board of Education, but the number of appointed schools will not necessarily increase. The reason is that many principals prefer to avoid including lay persons in school management policy, curriculum design, and teacher personnel affairs. In fact, many appointed community schools are set by the School Management Committee, whose function is to support school activities (the "school support" model). It is desirable that parents and residents participate in various aspects of the school system, but when their participation at this level immobilizes it, there is a risk of falling back into established patterns. For the new policy to succeed, it is necessary to advance to a "participation/shared decision-making" model.
- 2011-10-07
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