- 論文の詳細を見る
Four bottom samples collected from Mine Bay and Aso Bay in Tsushima Island are provided for dinoflagellate cyst analysis.The dinoflagellate cysts in these samples consist of gonyaulacoid, tuberculodinioid, peridinioid and gymnodinioid species. Among them, gonyaulacoid cysts (Spiniferites spp., cyst of Protoceratium reticulatum and Lingulodinium machaerophorum) and peridinioid cysts (Brigantedinium spp., Selenopemphix quanta, Trinovantedinium capitatum and Votadinium carvum) are dominant and occupy mostly half of the total population. Two PSP causative dinoflagellates, Alexandnum. catenella/tamarense and Gymnodinium catenatum cysts are found in the sediments. The number of Alexandrium cysts containing fresh protoplasm is more than 8 × 10^3 cysts in 1ml sediment, which probably indicates that these cysts were produced just after a big bloom of Alexandrium. The proportion of G. catenatum is very low (approximately 0.3% in AS-3). The alpha diversities of samples are calculated on the bases of cyst number and species number. By using the regression equations between surface temperatures and alpha valus of dinoflagellate cysts, summer and winter surface water temperatures around Tsushima Island are estimated. The difference between both of the calculated and directly observed surface water temperatures around Tsushima Island falls within 3℃ in range, which is nearly similar in the case of Nagasaki Bay and Omura Bay. This strongly suggests that the regression equation between alpha values and surface water temperatures is useful for reconstructing a coastal paleoenvironment after adequate modification in future.
- 長崎大学の論文
- 1994-01-31
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