2P1-E14 筋骨格モデルを基にした擾乱による手先力変化からの筋活動度の推定法
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To analyze dexterous manipulation by a human hand, activation levels of finger muscles should be estimated. Surface EMG is a possible way to measure them in a noninvasive manner, but cross-talk problem must be solved by identifying a relationship between the EMGs and the actual activation levels. In order to identify this relationship, this paper proposes a method to estimate muscle activation levels based on the musculoskeletal model. Considering the muscle tension variation property, the activation levels are estimated from the observed end-point force in two different states, a static one and a dynamic one triggered by a disturbance. To verify the proposed method, an experiment is conducted and elbow joint is chosen as a target. The actual activation levels are directly measured by EMGs and compared to the estimated levels by the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method can estimate the activation levels without using EMGs.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 複合現実感 : 現実と仮想の融合を探る
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- 2P1-E14 筋骨格モデルを基にした擾乱による手先力変化からの筋活動度の推定法
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