2P1-I06 計算機ネットワークを介したマルチユーザ・テレオペレーションシステムの制御系設計と実験システム構築(ネットワークロボティクス)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, a control method for multi-user teleoperators is proposed. Since the proposed control law is based on wave-variables, it guarantees stability of the system against arbitrary length of constant timedelay. In addition, an algorithm to compensate for the initial position error among the arms is proposed. The proposed method is an extension of the wave-integral-error compensation and the energy balance monitor, which was previously proposed by the authors and compensates for the position drift caused by time-varying delay without violating passivity condition of the system. Experimental system, which can connect multiple haptic devices and virtual environments, is developed and the effectiveness of the proposed control laws is confirmed by an experiment.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-05-26
- マイクロテレオペレーションのための可変スケール型バイラテラル制御
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- 2P1-I06 計算機ネットワークを介したマルチユーザ・テレオペレーションシステムの制御系設計と実験システム構築(ネットワークロボティクス)
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- 207 学生生活とものづくり(FM-1 大学におけるものづくり教育(2))