2P2-E04 多自由度ロボットの操作を目的としたジョイスティックの開発(VRとインタフェース)
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In this paper, a new method of controlling a multi DOF robot was suggested. Humanoid robot equipped seventeen DOF was used as a multi DOF robot. Controller has a two DOF joystick, and accelerometer was put on inside. Joystick operations and tilting the controller were combined to increase the number of operation to assign the multi motion of the robot. In cases where the controller was set to the horizontal state, joystick operation could provide the walking motions. When the controller was set to the vertical state, direction of CCD camera equipped on the head part of robot could be controlled.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2008-06-06
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