ムラサキイガイを用いた沿岸海域の微量有機物質汚染のモニタリング : 汚染物質の蓄積特性と東京湾への応用
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Mussel is a biomonitoring media used for "Mussel Watch", national and international monitoring programs of chemical pollution in coastal waters. In the present study, anthropogenic molecular markers (alkylbenzenes, aliphatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and polychlorinated biphenyls) were determined in soft tissues of mussels collected in Tokyo Bay. Their compositions were compared with those in bottom surface sediments in the same area to discuss the sources and forms of pollutants accumulated in the mussels. The molecular distributions for all the hydrophobic markers in the tissues were shifted toward lower molecular weight compared with those in the sediments, suggesting that mussels uptake pollutants not only from particulate phase but also from dissolved phase. Tetrapropylene-based alkylbenzenes and PCBs, which were used in 1960s and are still preserved in the bottom sediments, were detected in the tissues suggesting mussels accumulate the relict pollutants through resuspension and/or desorption from the bottom sediments. Relative abundance of PCBs to TABs was much higher in mussels than in sediments. These "excess" PCBs relative to TABs suggest recent inputs of PCBs. External LABs isomers were much more depleted in mussels than in the sediments, suggesting that the mussel accumulates pollutants intensively biodegraded probably through municipal wastewater treatments and/or microbial attack in water column. Aliphatic hydrocarbons having weak odd-carbon-predominance and PAHs with abundant alkyl homologues were observed in the tissues. These compositions were different from sedimentary hydrocarbons mainly derived from higher plant wax and combustion products. The differences suggest selective uptake of petroleum hydrocarbons by mussels. For all the pollutants determined, the concentrations were higher in mussels collected from the northern-west parts of Tokyo Bay. This is probably due to that this area is affected by industrial wastewaters from the Keihin industrial complex, domestic wastewaters delivered by rivers running through large cities, and urban runoff. Relatively high concentrations of alkanes and trace concentrations of LABs were observed in mussels collected far from the polluted area, suggesting petroleum pollution from non land-based source (e.g. tankers).
- 日本地球化学会の論文
- 2000-03-03
高田 秀重
堤 史薫
高田 秀重
Institute Of Symbiotic Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
山口 友加
佐藤 太
秋山 賢一郎
河野 恵里子
高田 秀重
山口 友加
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