障害の「社会モデル」 : 「社会モデル」の意義と障害者の経験の記述における限界
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss about the Soclal model of disability. This model contrary to the traditional view on disability and disabled people, which claims that one's physical impairment itself does not consist on her/his dlsability. The social model insists that disability should be considered as social and that disabled people are a group of the socially oppressed; disabled people have been excluded by the labor-based allocation of goods, self-determination and self-value. The social model developed in the field of disability studies in Great Britain. And this model is now the theoretical standard of disability studies.The social model has encouraged the disabled people's movement and generally promoted an unprejudiced view toward disabled people. The complements to the social model, however, have occurred. They insist that the social model has not seen the body of dlsabled people and their experiments. Some of them discuss that the social model should be include the impai㎜ent. This reconstruction of the social model, however, diminishes the significance of the social model. Therefore, the determination of the range of the social model is important.
- 奈良女子大学の論文
- 2008-03-01
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