聴覚障害学生とノートテイカーの関係の変化 : 高等教育における情報保障の現状と課題
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八木秀夫教授定年退職記念号In recent years, the promotion of the universal design for students with disabilities has been one of the most important challenges in higher education. The support systems for students with disabilities in higher education institutions have been expanded. The aim of this paper is to examine the challenges in the practice of such systems in the case of N Women's University. It also aims to point out the structural problems of the support systems.N Women's University has employed a number of support students, called "Note-Takers", to help the hearing impaired student understanding by taking notes. We conducted interviews with the hearing impaired student and Note-Takers to clarify the challenges which they had faced. We focused on the relationship between the hearing impaired student and Note-Takers.In the interviews, most Note-Takers said that supporting the hearing impaired student awakened them to the issue of "disability" and they shifted their position from being supporters to being associates. The hearing impaired student also mentioned that the more the Note-Takers were accustomed to note-taking, the more they fraternize with her and that made her feel relieved. The results show that their relationship has been changed from that of supporting/supported to that of associates with each other. Indeed, they "must" associate, cooperate and confront many difficulties because of the university structure.This is the main challenge of the support system for students with disabilities. It should not be for the compensation for students with disabilities but for the reform of the system of higher education itself. We must reconsider the universal design in higher education from the viewpoint of the supporting/supported situation.
- 奈良女子大学の論文
- 2009-03-01
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