アメリカ幼稚園運動におけるEmmaMarwedelの働き : フレーベル主義者エマ・マーウェデルと新教育運動
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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the work of Emma Marwedel on the kindergarten movement in America by analyzing Marwedel's book Conscious Motherhood, which was dedicated to Elizabeth Peabody and G. Stanley Hall. Published in 1887, this book was the quintessential expression of maternalist ideology. Marwedel's main theme was to combine the educational influences of two authorities, each trengthening and completing the other, namely, Wilhelm Preyer and Friedrich Froebel. W. Preyer, Professor of Physiology and Psychology at the university of Jena, who was engaged in a study of the development of child's will. Preyer observed the actions of children, classifying all ctions into voluntary or involuntary. In sharp contrast to Romantic ation of inborn natural capacities, he reasserted the importance of the sense in the formation of will. Marwedel argued that for children to develop to their full potential, women needed to be trained for motherhood and in scientific study of children. Marwedel suggested the following two points of view ; self-control and the raising up of a moral sense, and the catching or telling of what the other people are thinking and what the object is concerning the meaning of existence. Marwedel suggested these were the essential problems for women, who deepen their understanding of children and instruct them. Marwedel's ideas stand in stark equal when compared with today's kindergarten philosophy and techniques. Her attempt, which supplement Froebel educational theory and practice with Preyer practical, psychological and pedagogical observation, was successful, because it analyzed various possibilities on the child and how this satisfied his or her intellectual and moral requirement. In Massachusetts, where Pauline A. Shaw sponsored a network of free kindergartner, Hall promoted the study of children. Hall collected a huge amount of date in Shaw's kindergartens. We often talk about Hall's success without free kindergartner supports. Orthodox Froebelian kindergartner Susan Blow's leadership was clear at an 1895 meeting of kindergarten in Chicago. It was here that disciples of Hall and Blow met head-on for the first time. G. Stanley Hall raised specific criticism of Froebelian kindergarten theory and practice, blasting the Romantic ideology of the Froebelian kindergarten for blinding its practitioner to the real educational needs of children. Although thirty?five came to this first meeting, only two remained. The other thirty-three were so outraged at what Hall said about the psychological nsoundness of the methodology of Froebel that left in indignation. Hall said in 1900 that Froebel was "the morning star of the child-study movement" and one of the pioneers of genetic psychology. We can be fairly certain that Marwedel's book had an influence on Hall's behavior. This book was dedicated to Hall, and it is no wonder that he knew the matter very well. By demonstrating the practices of kindergarten Associations founded by Marwedel and Wiggin, we draw out Frobelian kindergartners unknown works and correct the problem of the kindergarten movement from Froebel to Dewey.
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