- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to clarify the fullness of life, the kindergarten principle of A. L. Howe by suggesting on the practice of the Glory Kindergarten and Training School in Kobe. The Glory Kindergarten and Training School had its beginning in 1886 when the women of the Kobe Church (Congregatinal) began to plan for a Christian Kindergarten. In 1887 Miss Annie L. Howe, from Chicago, was sent to Japan by American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions of the Congregational Church to take charge. The building was build in 1889, and the Kindergarten and a Training School started. One of the greatest service that Miss Howe rendered the cause of kindergarten advancement in Japan was the translation of Froebelian literature into Japanese. Through the translation of Miss Howe in 1897, Froebel's "Mother Play and Nursery Songs" was made accessible to Japanese reader. It is difficult for her to translate into Japanese which is unfamiliar with life and habit. But she thought that Froebel's principles are as a true in Japan as they are in Germany and America. So, the Japanese artist conformed the mother-play pictures to native canons and put in many pretty and suggestive touches of the life of Japan, yet he preserved the spirit of the subject wonderfully well. Howe regarded the morning talk and a life with a nature important in the Glory Kindergarten. In the Glory Kindergarten, Howe made the flower garden which children cared for it from the begining. The Children decorated the school with flowers and went out to visit and gave flowers to sick fellow-puples. The kindergartners was going into scientific preparration, and trying most earnestly to present the varios natural science in truthfull to the children. The seasons, with their phenomena form the basis for this most excellent work, and the children are helped to love much that is beautiful and wonderful, before they come to the years when they may understandingly study it. Howe doubtless realized Froebel's saying that every man was a child of nature, a child of man and a child of God. As a child of nature man is the product of his human brute ancestry and his physical environment. As a child of man he is product of his human ancestry and his social environment. As a child of God he is a free, self making energy, capable of forming and obeying ideals and therefore the victim of no past however extended, By tracing the above-mentioned Howe's achievements, we would have a better understanding a child of God by Froebel and the fullness of life which is the greatest principle in current kindergarten.
- 鳴門教育大学の論文
- 2005-03-04
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