障害児教育の課題と方法 : 生活と教育の結合(障害者福祉研究の課題)
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Today, the most significant things of education for the handicapped in our country are the enforcement of compulsory education in nursing schools from April, 1, 1979. Now, we have to consider a subject of connection of real life with education for the handicapped. In this paper, taking the above points into consideration, I tried to examine the problems for handicapped children, from the 1960s to the 1970s, and in the transitional period of the 1979's compulsory education. Under the manpower policy of the 1960s, the seriously handicapped had been put to exempt from school attendence and put out of social welfare. On the other hand, in this period, "The Theory of Developmental Guarantee" was presented by Omi-Gaken for the handicapped. That was a radical criticism to the current special education. In the beginning of the 1970s, the movement which wished enforcement of the compulsory education for the handicapped extended over nationally. In this movement, the conditions of the handicapped at home had been clarified. There was necessity to connect real life with education to secure life and development of the handicapped. However, the stipulation of exemption from school attendance has not been abolished in spite of compulsory education. The Visiting Education has been introduced easily as the compulsory education system of the handicapped. This is the reason why many significant improvements have still to be made. Therefore, very difficult problems to go to school and to study have been left to the handicapped. It is necessary to study in point of view on life and healh of the seriously handicapped and their family. On the one hand, recently, the organization of curriculum for the seriously handicapped comes to be testified concretely. In conclusion, this paper presents the five points with which the education for the handicapped shall be designed for the structure of connection of real life with education.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1981-10-10
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