斜航する船体に働く水圧力について : 続,制限水路影響
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The huge-sized ship is usually operated under the support of tug boats in the harbor area. In order to conduct this operation with safety and certainty, the forces induced by the wind pressure as well as the fluid pressure should be evaluated, and the force necessary to be served by the work boats to overcome these forces should be estimated quantitatively.In the previous work, one of the authors studied about the character of the fluid forces acting on the hull of a huge-sized ship moving obliquely in deep water. This work is an extension of the previous ones, and the effects of restricted water, especially shallow water effects and the buffer effects of the pier wall upon these forces were investigated. The followings were made clear:1.While the ratio of water depth to ship draft is larger than 3.0, namely h/d>3.0, the shallow water effect coefficient k is not so large, and is less than 1.1, if any, however when h/d becomes smaller than 2.0, k increases remarkably and k reaches even to 5.0 when h/d=1.1. k keeps almost the same level when the angle of incidence of fluid φ ranges from 60° to 120°.2.The existence of the Reynolds Number effect on the side force of this kind of ship form was ascertained, and the side force coefficient C_Y for actual ship, shifting athwartships in deep water, was found to be possibly less than 2/3 of the measured value, C_Y=0.97 for φ=90°, obtained in this model test at Re=5×10^4.3.The centre of the pressure tends to shift towards the stem, when the depth of water becomes shallower, although the amount of shift is rather small.4.The buffer effect of the pier was measured to be somehow sizable in model tests, where the approach speed was several times of that of the corresponding speed of the ship. However, for the actual huge-sized ship, this effect is assumed to be very small because of the rather higher permeability of the pier (not 0% as was in the model test), and lower shifting speed.
- 1969-11-15
- 斜航する船体に働く水圧力について : 続,制限水路影響
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