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As the size and the speed of a container ship become greater, multiple-screw ship, namely the ship with twin or triple screws has appeared recently. However, only a few data on the manoeuvrability of the container ship with triple screws are available at the present time. As the first stage of the research into the manoeuvrability of the container ships, the ships with triple screws in particular, the authers carried out the model tests on manoeuvrability, using four model container ships, namely the ships with single screw and single rudder, twin screws and single rudder, triple screws and single rudder and triple screws and twin rudders. This paper deals with the results of the model tests in the above. The effects of the following items on the manoeuvrability are investigated. 1) variation of approach speed 2) numbers of screws 3) numbers of rudders 4) numbers of shafts rotating in low ship speed 5) variation of load condition In addition, the results of inertia stop and crash astern tests are discribed.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1973-10-25
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