- 論文の詳細を見る
Previously, this author intended to judge the extent of linearity of the response of a system working under the stochastic environments, by the level of coherency, that is an important function in the spectrum analysis of time series. However, finding the fact that the simple coherency could stay at low level because of the secondary effect of the spectrum window on the estimation of the cross-spectrum, he proposed a practical method to remove this difficulty. This was made clear also theoretically later.It is natural that the coherency stays at low level (or sometimes high, anyway at eroneous value), also when some other co-existing inputs which are affecting that output, were failed to be taken into account. The theory of multiple input analysis that has been published by a few authors in these days give us a function called multiple coherency, that takes account of all inputs affecting one output simultaneously, and also the partial coherency that is the coherency of one definite input to the output, under the condition that other inputs co-exist simultaneously, although very few results of application are published.Here this fact will be checked for the analysis of ship's responses in waves, and the necessity and the usefullness of the multiple input analysis will be demonstrated.The identification of non-linear response was the initial motive to start this study. Every stage of the trials to find out the simple non-linearity was checked, and the multiple input analysis was found to be helpful even for this kind of purpose. The multiple input analysis technique can be expected to be used effectively in future for the analysis of ship's behaviour, for example thrust or torque increase of propeller shaft in irregular waves, together with the identification technique of their non-linearity.
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