- 論文の詳細を見る
In modern societies, we have very high awareness of the need to ensure safety for several matters. But, the method of realizing "safety" is not fully understood. In the engineering field, the concept of a "risk" is used as the method of reservation of "safety." However, the definition of the word "risk" is used in various meanings and in the dialectal way. Originally, "risk" is a word used in the field of economics, where the meaning is "loss" to a profit, and is a "possibility" that "loss" will occur. In the field of engineering, a "risk" is defined as the product of probability or frequency that an accident will occur, and the result or damage of the accident. Further in the field of engineering, evaluating this "risk" aims at reservation of rational and economical "safety." This report shows the concept and definition of "risk", first. The method of "risk" assessment is shown with some technique for each purpose. And valuation method for the result of risk assessment is also shown. Then some problems of risk assessment are discussed in the final chapter of this report with researches in our institute.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 2009-03-20
三友 信夫
三友 信夫
三友 信夫
三友 信夫
三友 信夫
三友 信夫
独立行政法人 海上安全技術研究所
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