- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous report, the authors described the calculated results of the flow around a rudder with rudder angle behind a propeller in uniform flow, applying the simplified propeller theory of the infinite number of propeller blades to propeller and the panel method to rudder. The calculated results were compared with the existing measured velocity and pressure distribution. The good agreement of calculated results with measured one were obtaind within the range of rudder angle of 20°. In this report, the forces calculated using the same method as previous one with improvements a little, acting on rudder with rudder angle, and the interaction between propeller and rudder are mainly discussed, comparing with the experimental results over the range of larger rudder angle as harbor use. The calculated results of forces acting on rudder with rudder angle and of effects of rudder angle on propeller performance show good agreement with the experiments within the rudder angle by 20°. More than 30° rudder angle, the tendency of calculated drag and moment acting on rudder is different from that of measurements. It is considered that this is due to different pressure distribution on rudder in between calculation and experiment. Some improvements of calculation method in the large rudder angle behind propeller are necessary, applying a method like massive separation flow model.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1992-09-04
- 3 Theoretical Calculation of Propulsive Performances of Stator-Propeller in Uniform Flow by Vortex Lattice Method
- PBCFによるプロペラ効率向上とプロペラピッチ分布の関係について
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- 計測用回流水槽測定部の流場計算について
- 船舶操縦性の流体力学的取り扱いに関する研究
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- 旋回する船体まわりの流場と流体力の計算
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- 数値計算のための流体力学の基礎方程式について
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- 西部造船会技術研究会発足当時のいきさつと今後の展望
- Calculation of Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers on Ship Hull Forms
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- 回流水槽と曳航水槽における自航試験結果の比較
- 9 Hydrodynamic Analysis of Propellers in Steady Flow Using a Surface Panel Method : 2nd Report
- 超幅広浅吃水船の推進性能に関する実験的検討
- Highly Skewed Propellerの研究 : 第4報 前後進時の翼面上流線とクラッシュアスターン性能
- 静水中における高速肥大船型の船首近傍流れの実験的調査
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- プロペラの舵におよぼす影響について(推進性能部,所外発表論文等概要)
- プロペラ後流中おかれた舵に働く力について
- プロペラの舵におよぼす影響について
- プロペラと舵の相互干渉について
- 丸い前縁断面を持つ翼の性能を表わす新しい揚力面モデル
- 規則的向波の中の船の推進性能について
- 肥大船推進性能の尺度影響
- 最適プロペラの設計について
- 肥大船自航試験の理論的取扱い
- 斜め規則波の中の薄い船の運動及び推進性能について-序論-
- 静水中の船の推進理論について : -薄い船の場合-(その3)
- 静水中の船の推進理論について : -薄い船の場合-(その2)
- 静水中の船の推進理論について : 薄い船の場合(その1)
- 6 Investigation into Hub Effect of Marine Propeller by Surface Vortex Lattice Method
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- ボール進水時の保距具の浮遊について
- プロペラと舵との干渉について(続)
- プロペラと舵との干渉について
- 非突出型船首バルブによる漁船船型の改良
- 6 Hydrodynamic Analysis of Propellers in Steady Flow Using a Surface Panel Method
- 静水中における船舶の推進性能に関する序論
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- 螺旋推進器理論について : 翼輪廓及び翼面積の影響
- 螺旋推進器理論について(続)
- 螺旋推進器理論について