- 論文の詳細を見る
PBCF (Propeller Boss Cap Fins) is a boss cap with small fins. It recovers the rotational energy in propeller slipstresm by eliminating the hub vortex and improves propeller efficiency. In this paper it was studied how propeller efficiency with PBCF changes by changing pitch distribution of a propeller. Three model propellers, what are called increasing pitch propeller, constant pitch propeller and decreasing pitch propeller respectively, were made changing pitch ratio of each root part. And those were tested in uniform flow and two different non-uniform flows with or without PBCF. On the other hand calculation of propeller performance has made. The results obtained are ; (1) Significant efficiency improvement by PBCF has obtained for all the propellers, and it was 2〜8% in this model test. (2) Increasing pitch propeller, which seems to be adapted to the wake, has also been improved by PBCF. (3) It may be possible that a more efficient propeller is designed considering PBCF and well-matched propeller pitch distribution.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1992-03-25
恋塚 初
大内 一之
玉島 正裕
新井 健太
玉島 正裕
大内 一之
大阪商船三井船舶 (株)
- 吸収式造波装置の性能に関する研究
- 3 Theoretical Calculation of Propulsive Performances of Stator-Propeller in Uniform Flow by Vortex Lattice Method
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- PBCF(プロペラボスキャップフィン)の考案・開発・実用化
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- Highly Skewed Propellerの研究 : 第4報 前後進時の翼面上流線とクラッシュアスターン性能
- PBCF(Propeller Boss Cap Fins)の効果と実績 (軸系特集号)
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- プロペラ直径,スキューおよび前後位置が肥大船の自航要素におよぼす影響
- 6 Investigation into Hub Effect of Marine Propeller by Surface Vortex Lattice Method
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- 6 Hydrodynamic Analysis of Propellers in Steady Flow Using a Surface Panel Method
- PBCF (Propeller Boss Cap Fins) の効果と実績