- 論文の詳細を見る
This research was intended to focus on a questionnaire how adult clinical nurses' on recognize of the effectiveness of exercise. `Recognition of the effectiveness for exercise' is intentionally defined as `moving the body continuously for 30 minutes or more a day asd understanding the meaning of body movement'.The questionnaire was mailed comprising 28 items and 4 methods to clinical nurses, and 78 answers arrived them. After analyzing the items and factors, we carefully selected 20 items and 3 factors from them and named those factors `Expectation for Effects of Continuous Exercise', `Motivation for Exercise and Expectation of Environment' and `Means and Duties of Exercise', respectively. We confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach' s a coefficient (0.87) and the reliability coefficient of Guttman's half-split method (0.88). We considered the face and content validity of the questionnaire items with assistance from clinical instructors and 4 university instructors. Then, we studied the relationship between recognition of exercise and past and present exercise habits, and as a result found out that this questionnaire principally reflects present exercise habits. However, past exercise habits were reflected only in the factor named `Expectation for Effects of Continuous Exercise'.
- 大阪市生野区におけるこどもに関する地域福祉学的研究 : 青年期
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- 大阪市生野区におけるこどもに関する地域福祉学的研究 : 乳幼児期,学童期
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- 図書館と私
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- A-6 地域在住日本人高齢者とシンガポール人高齢者の健康状態の比較(一般演題,メインテーマ「改めて語る-健康医学の意義と課題」,第22回日本健康医学会総会抄録集)
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- D-2 老人大学受講者の同年代の友人とのつきあいと生活習慣、主観的幸福感に関する検討(一般演題,第19回日本健康医学会総会抄録集)
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- 精神看護学実習における患者の権利擁護に関する教育方法の検討 : 学生の保護室入室体験の学習内容から