A Kalman Filter Approach to the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) from Combined Passive Microwave and Infrared Radiometric Data(2. Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) Project,<Special Issue>Precipitation Measurements from Spa
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A system has been developed and implemented that integrates passive microwave radiometer data with infrared radiometer data in order to have high temporal (1 hour) and spatial (0.1 degree) resolution global precipitation estimates. The product (GSMaP_MVK) is produced based on a Kalman filter model that refines the precipitation rate propagated based on the atmospheric moving vector derived from two successive IR images. The proposed method was evaluated and compared with other high-resolution precipitation products and the ground-based data collected by the Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System (AMeDAS) near Japan. It was clearly shown that the approach described in this paper performed better than without the Kalman filter, and the time series of the hourly global precipitation pattern demonstrated the potential capabilities for weather monitoring and typhoon tracking. The GSMaP_MVK product achieved a score comparable to the CMORPH and the 3B42RT products.
- 2009-03-31
KOZU Toshiaki
Shimane University
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
INOUE Toshiro
Center for Climate System Research, The University of Tokyo
SHIGE Shoichi
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University
AONASHI Kazumasa
Meteorological Research Institute
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka University Medical School
Seto Shinta
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Aonashi Kazumasa
Meteorological Research Institute Japan Meteorological Agency
Shige Shoichi
Department Of Aerospace Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Kubota Takuji
Earth Observation Research Center Japan Aerospace And Exploration Agency
Kubota Takuji
Japan Aerospace And Exploration Agency
Department of Electronic, Electronics and Information Engineering, Osaka University
Department of Electronic, Electronics and Information Engineering, Osaka University
KACHI Misako
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Earth Observation Research Center
OKI Riko
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Earth Observation Research Center
Department of Electronic, Electronics and Information Engineering, Osaka University
Kubota Takuji
Earth Observation Research Center Jaxa
Sasashige Kazushi
Department Of Electronic Electronics And Information Engineering Osaka University
Ushio Tomoo
Division Of Electrical Electric And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Ushio Tomoo
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Ushio Tomoo
Department Of Aero-space Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Ushio Tomoo
Department Of Communication Engineering Osaka University
Iguchi Toshio
Applied Electromagnetic Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communications Technol
Kawasaki Zen-ichiro
Division Of Electrical Electric And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Kawasaki Zen-ichiro
Department Of Communications Engineering Osaka University
Kachi Misako
Earth Observation Research Center Japan Aerospace And Exploration Agency
Oki Riko
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency/earth Observation Res. Center
Oki Riko
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Earth Observation Research Center
Morimoto Takeshi
Division Of Electrical Electric And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Kawasaki Zen
Division Of Electrical Electric And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Kawasaki Zen-ichiro
Osaka Univrsity
Takahashi N
Kagoshima Space Center Space Transportation Mission Directorate Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Ushio Tomoo
Electric And Information Engineering Osaka University
Morimoto Takeshi
Electric And Information Engineering Osaka University
Morimoto Takeshi
Department Of Applied Visual Science Graduate School Of Medicine
Inoue Toshiro
Center For Climate System Research The University Of Tokyo:meteorological Research Institute Jma
Morimoto Takeshi
Department Of Communications Engineering Osaka University
Okamoto K
Faculty Of Environmental And Information Studies Tottori University Of Environmental Studies
Okamoto Ken'ichi
Tottori University Of Environmental Studies
Kawasaki Zen-ichiro
Department Of Communication Engineering Osaka University
Nishida Takashi
Kagoshima Space Center Space Transportation Mission Directorate Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kawasaki Z
Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
Ushio Tomoo
Osaka Univ.
Aonashi Kazumasa
Meteorological Res. Inst.
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