Networked Retrieval Technique for Precipitation Attenuation on Ku-band Broadband Radar Network(Radar Technology,ICSANE 2010 (International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics))
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We have been developing the Ku-band broad band radar (BBR) network which consists of several close range radars with high resolution to detect and analyze small scale weather phenomena such as tornadoes and microbursts which often damage our lives seriously. Precipitation attenuation is a critical and inherent problem for the BBR as with most of other weather radars. Though many reflectivity retrieval approaches have been proposed, it is known that most of them are unstable and often output unacceptable errors. In this presentation, a new stochastic approach to retrieve reflectivity factor accurately on the BBR network is described.
- 2010-10-20
Ushio Tomoo
Division Of Electrical Electric And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Ushio Tomoo
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Osaka University
Ushio Tomoo
Department Of Aero-space Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Ushio Tomoo
Department Of Communication Engineering Osaka University
Kawasaki Zen-ichiro
Division Of Electrical Electric And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Kawasaki Zen-ichiro
Department Of Communications Engineering Osaka University
Morimoto Takeshi
Division Of Electrical Electric And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Kawasaki Zen
Division Of Electrical Electric And Information Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Uni
Kawasaki Zen-ichiro
Osaka Univrsity
Yoshida Satoru
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Ushio Tomoo
Electric And Information Engineering Osaka University
Morimoto Takeshi
Electric And Information Engineering Osaka University
Yoshida Satoru
Frontier Research Base For Global Young Researchers Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Morimoto Takeshi
Department Of Communications Engineering Osaka University
Yoshida Satoru
Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Yoshikawa Eiichi
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Kawasaki Z
Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
Ushio Tomoo
Osaka Univ.
Ushio Tomoo
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
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