VHF Radio Wave Observations by Maido-1 Satellite and Evaluation of Its Relationship with Lightning Discharges
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We examine the relationship between 116VHF sensor events recorded by the VHF sensor on the Maido-1 satellite and lightning strokes detected by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) to show that most of the VHF sensor events were caused by lightning discharges. For each VHF sensor event, the WWLLN events within 1400km from the subsatellite point and within 1sec, 30sec, and 300sec of the VHF sensor trigger time are analyzed. We find that the coincidence rates in the North and South American continents, and in Southeast/East Asia and the Australian continent are greater than 0.90. Those in the African and European continents, and in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are less than 0.61. These high enough coincidence rates indicate that the VHF sensor events were emitted from lightning, although the coincidence rates in the other regions are quite low because of the low detection efficiency of the WWLLN in the regions. We also focus on 6 coincident events measured by both the VHF sensor and the WWLLN. The incidence angles of the EM waves for the VHF sensor are estimated from the group delay characteristics of the recorded EM waveforms. Compared with the WWLLN lightning locations, the two incidence angles are temporally and spatially coincident. These results indicate that a large fraction of the VHF sensor events are emitted by lightning discharges.
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Yoshida Satoru
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Yoshida Satoru
Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Kikuchi Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Ushio Tomoo
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
KAWASAKI Zenichiro
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
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