- 論文の詳細を見る
This article examined the status of the current children and adults that requires educational dialogue by means of the concept of 'safe space,' and furthermore the process that educational dialogue functions as useful support. What must be considered in the educational and/or clinical situation is not the problem of children's being brutal, but the situation of their losing their safe space and the strategy to repair it, because the loss of mutually emotional understanding tends to bring them into destructive acting out. Safe space for expressing ourselves is needed so that we verbalize or actualize what we cannot grasp within ourselves. Among the functions of safe space is providing with an opportunity to utilize our unknown ability such as to speak frankly or to face others by conversation. For us to create safe space, we need the process of echoing, through which we experience outer environment as a part of our self; not only the object itself but the field as a whole. Genuineness of the person relating to others is crucial for him/her to grasp his/herself. Moreover, it involves the basis for understanding others and for helping them verbalize themselves. These processes develop mutually between them, and begin those steps to make larger fields safe.
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