教師の対人ストレス方略の臨床心理学的研究(1) : 実態調査にもとづく基礎研究(教育心理)
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A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect basic data regarding the objects (stressors) of teachers' interpersonal stress and their ways of coping with them. The data clearly indicate that teachers felt colleagues to be the most stressful among four categories of objects, namely, students, colleagues, supervisors and caretakers of students. Furthermore, teachers recognized the typical type of stressors as narcissistic across all categories of objects. As for the coping resource system, it is suggested that the capability of the individual system needs to be enhanced by means of a workshop in order for the interpersonal system to be utilized more efficiently as a coping resource system. In particular, the task of improving the school organizational system as a supra-system for the colleagial system becomes apparent. This is because the school organizational system functions to protect and develop the colleagial system as its supra-system, and the colleague system, used frequently and usefully, can work against teachers' stress levels. As for their coping modalities, the proportion of the teachers selecting "approach" rather than "avoidance" as an ideal way coping showed an increase, despite the fact that the former is less useful than the latter. This can be interpreted to suggest the seriousness and strong problem-solving orientation of the teachers, as well as the weak structure of mutual support in the group. In addition, the importance of sophisticating and developing a "space-making" coping modality is indicated. In view of the above, it appears necessary to develop a stress management program for teachers which enables more sophisticated and autonomous coping, by placing the colleague system as the central coping resource system and by developing a "space-making" coping modality.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
井上 直子
小谷 英文
小谷 英文
中川 剛太
西村 馨
能 幸夫
西川 昌弘
西村 馨
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