- 論文の詳細を見る
This article discussed problems and clues in the practice of 'educational dialogue' which teachers have in school education and school counseling. Although educational dialogue between teachers and children is essential for children's growth in education, the philosophy of M. Buber about dialogue is not utilized fully, and there are a lot of difficulties left in this area. Besides the current characteristic problems that children cannot have satisfactory communication, it was shown that one of the most important issues is the rigidity of teacher role and the loss of teacher's I-ness. Moreover, the idea emphasizing the significance of acceptance is willing to look over the significance of negative aspects for human growth and the concepts of 'fight.' Based on these discussions, several clues to evolving dialogues with children were presented. Among them, rather 'strategic' elements were included, because the author believes they are the products of the struggles seeking for the safe space for both teachers and children to have appropriate 'fight' for children's personal growth.
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