学級集団への集団精神療法の適用(2) : 潜伏期における攻撃性の表現の意義(臨床心理)
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Classroom group psychotherapy is a method currently being developed as an application of group psychotherapy to the classroom group. In order to specify the effects of this method, this study focuses on aggression, which plays an important role in the healthy development of the child and classroom group, and assesses how the manifestation and expression of aggression in the classroom group psychotherapy processes contribute to the development of the child's inner world. For this purpose, the study first describes the manifestation and expression of aggression that appeared in the classroom group psychotherapy process. Next, the relationship between the manifestations / expressions of aggression and the group dynamics of the latent child and the ego development of the individual subjects was analyzed based on the Psychoanalytic Systems Theory (Kotani 1993), and the educational significance of the manifestations and expressions of aggressions were examined. Consequently, it was seen that activities, which have a vital function in the development of the latent child, became a channel for the expression of aggression, and as subgroups developed around the two sexes, primal horde dynamics became manifest, thus re-channeling the aggressive impulses of the individual members. It was shown that this process contributes to the emotional growth of the latent child.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
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