- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was based on the findings of pilot interviews conducted to collect data for the development of a measure of Japanese schoolchildren's perceived locus of causality (PLOC) in their everyday tasks. The interview measures were based on Chandler & Connell's PLOC interview (1987) and Ryan & Connell's PLOC scale (1989), corrected a flaw in their method of questioning by structuring questions to confirm whether subjects actually conducted their tasks, and added two new coding categories, non-regulation and integrated regulation, to incorporate the latest extended theoretical model (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Subjects were 27 elementary school students, who were interviewed regarding their reasons for working on a wide range of daily tasks from schoolwork to household chores and hobbies. Subjects' given reasons were coded by PLOC based on criteria developed for and revised during this pilot study, and the coding criteria was shown to be potentially useful for future interviews and questionnaires. Coding results supported previous studies' findings that internalized PLOC tends not to appear in lower-grade schoolchildren, suggesting that internalized motivation requires the development of certain cognitive and intellectual capacities. It was also revealed that in general, Japanese schoolchildren gave reasons differing from those seen in previous studies conducted in the United States. The results also suggest that the concept of intrinsic motivation might actually include a wider range of sub-categories. Finally, the findings imply a base for a new theoretical model, which deems that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are separate motivational systems rather than a single continuum, and that intrinsic motivation, like extrinsic motivation, may have a more primitive state and a more mature or integrated state.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
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