- 論文の詳細を見る
The writer briefly discussed, from a viewpoint of volcanism, the nature of the late Mesozoic igneous activities in Southwest Japan and its neighbourhood. It is said that the activities are genetically related to the Yenshan movements of the East Asiatic continent, although the former is a little younger in age than the latter. In the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan, the igneous activities were not immediately preceded by a marine geosynclinal stage, but by terrestrial conditions in general. They are characterized by extensive volcanism on land surface and plutonism followed it. It is most worthy of note that the rhyolite welded tuffs occupy the most parts of the Cretaceous volcanic rocks and they are now exposed as several gigantic masses in the Zone. Granitic rocks of batholithic dimension were intruded, not only into the Paleozoic strata and their metamorphic equivalents, but also into the preceding volcanic rocks overlying these strata, affecting them thermal influences. In this paper, the writer distinguished three provinces of Cretaceous volcanism in Southwest Japan, namely Chugoku, Chubu and North Kantd provinces, and shortly described the mode of occurrences of volcanic rocks, age of eruption, their lithological characters and their associated intrusive facies in each province. Lastly he refered to some problems of the Ryoke plutono-metamorphism in connection with the abovementioned igneous activities, and made clear, contrary to hitherto prevailing opinions, that the main phase of this plutono-metamorphism is younger than the eruption of the Nohi rhyolites of probably late Cretaceous age.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1966-09-25
- 鳥取県中部の鮮新世火山岩類の岩石学的性質 : 日本火山学会1963年度春季大会講演要旨
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- 24. 濃飛流紋岩の形成史とその組成変化(日本火山学会 1970 年秋季大会講演要旨)
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- 445 泉南帯(領家南縁帯)の形成過程
- 恵那市周辺の阿木川溶結凝灰岩 : Source areaにおける濃飛流紋岩の産状 : 火山および火山岩
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- 100万分の1日本地質図(第2版)における中生代花崗岩・火山岩類 : 構造地質
- 32. 岐阜県裏木曽地方の濃飛流紋岩類 : 特にボーリングコアからみた岩相変化の一例(日本火山学会 1969 年秋季大会講演要旨)
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