音楽科教員養成における知と体験の新たな構築を目指して -「フィールドインターンシップ型授業」及び「ゲーミングシミュレーション型授業」の実践
- 論文の詳細を見る
One of the long-standing problems for universitypre-service teacher training courses in musichas been how to bridge between theory andpractice, so participants may develop professionalcompetence. The present paper reports on anattempt to solve this type of problem by employingthe approaches expounded by the notions offield-internship and gaming simulation as educationalpracticum. Both approaches have beenaccepted by the Japanese Ministry of Educationas Good Practice COP) or the Distinctive EducationalActivity program during the years from2003 to 2006. Field-internship is the term coinedby combining two words fieldwork and internship,meaning a type of practice by which students receIve an on-the-job training outsideuniversity. By so doing, it is expected that theywould make use of it as a chance to put theirknowledge into practice. It was further anticipatedthat such experiences of the students wouldbe returned to the community. Gaming simulationis the instructional method that is intendedto help students experience a hand-on job in asimulated classroom setting, whereby they mayacquire a type of skill that will readily be usablein authentic situations. Following the principleof these two methods, the present authorsconducted pre-service teacher training courses inmusic. One was concerned with extra-curricular~30fj- 2008ifactivities and mUSIC appreciation courses aspart of community service, while the other wasthe teaching of a Japanese traditional dancecalled Nishimonai Bon festival dance. The paperprovides detailed accounts of the process ofcarrying out the courses. The study concludeswith several suggestions for the future study.
- 学校教育創始期の秋田県における音楽教員の系譜
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- 音楽科教員養成における知と体験の新たな構築を目指して -「フィールドインターンシップ型授業」及び「ゲーミングシミュレーション型授業」の実践
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- 音楽科学習指導要領における「日本の音楽」の変遷(1) --昭和22年の(試案)から35年(高)の改訂までの分析的検討を通して--
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- 音楽の授業に対する教員の意識
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- 音楽科卒業生の追跡調査--全体的傾向について
- オセアニアの音楽 1 オセアニアにおける楽器の分布と伝播
- 音楽科の教育内容と方法について
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- 小学校の音楽教科書における日本と西欧
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