- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the present paper is to report onan attempt to develop a scale measuring theadaptability of senior high school students toextra-curricular activities which they join. Itwas expected that the result would help improveinstructions in school settings. A questionnaire was prepared to measure three areas of adaptability;the sense of being adapted (31 items),the supervisor's method of instruction (35items), and the views towards music (27 items).The questionnaire was sent to a total of 288students, including 46 male and 242 female of thefirst year and second year students in Akitaprefecture. All the students were members ofthe brass band club or the chorus club. Factoranalysis was administered on the responses toeach of the three sets of questionnaire items.For the first group of items (adaptability), fivefactors were extracted, including 'a desire forimprovement,' 'a sense of being at home in thecircle,' 'relationship to the supervisor,' 'relationship with other members,' and 'escape from thecircle.' Three factors were extracted for thesecond group of items (the supervisor' s methodof instruction), and the factors included 'approachableness, , discipline,' and 'teaching skillsand enthusiasm.' The last group of items (viewstoward music) was found to consist of three factors,including 'usefulness of music,' 'music as acompetition,' and 'the value of music.' The resultsof the analysis based on these factors revealedthe following tendencies among students'attitudes towards extracurricular activities: 1)those students who had had learned music someway or other prior to joining the circle at schooltended to be more adaptable to extracurricularactivities at school than those who had had nosuch experiences previously; and 2) as there is astrong relationship between various teacher factors,such as approachableness, enthusiasm, anddiscipline, a balance needs to be struck betweenthese factors to help students spend time effectivelyin various extracurricular activities.
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